Wednesday 21 May 2014

The Cost Price!

Hello! Jennifer here. Here is the estimated costs and buyings of our garden.


Butterflies: Painted Lady  £25 = €30.88
LadyBirds: Ladybirds     €29.95 (co. Kerry) 25 per pack (x2)
Ants: Ants   (Pricing in website) (UK)

The total for the Insect section is estimated to be €150

Garden Practicalities

Fences:  Holsten Fence Panel Dimensions: 180cm x 100cm €36.99 Woodies DIY Fences
Gazebo: Gazebo €1199

Total pricing estimated to be €1383
The vegetation really depends on what flowers we are planning to plant in our garden. 
I’ve checked online and all I can find our bouquets. I will research more on vegetation. 
Otherwise we could buy some bulbs and seeds from Dunnes, Lidl ect.
The total for the Vegetation section is estimated to be €100


Art is particularly tied with GardenPracticalities. Unless we are hiring skilled gardeners
Design the layout or order of the flowers we may not need to use any of our budget on this section.

Total pricing for the Art section was estimated to be 0 - €500

Green Schools

Green schools is also a difficult section to price. It may be tied to both art and Garden Pract.
We may not need to spend any money on this section at all! If we do it will be for paint and supplies like that. 

Total  pricing for the Green Schools section  was estimated to be 0 - €60


There will be no need to pay for anything in this section. Just a big well done to Jitesh our ICT expert for putting it together!

Pricing for this will be free

The estimating for the TOTAL price is 2193

Monday 19 May 2014

News :)

Hey guys! Jennifer here! We have finally finished our photo story! With a lot of hard work from Jitesh it turned out great! Well done Jitesh!

But don't think the other members of our team didn't do anything!

 George was busy researching all the cool creepy crawlies that could go into our garden! This helped a lot with the photo story!

Ellen, our leader brought in LOADS of information on flowers! We were able to browse in the books she brought in and learn about what plants grow in different seasons!

Rebekah was a big help too! She had a knack for finding cool websites and ideas for the blog and photo story. Most of the ideas came from her! Thanks Rebekah!

Ms. Galligan would be very proud of Caolon! He found many ideas for our green school part of the garden. Not to mention he tried to help the other members of our team with their jobs as much as possible!

And I tried to help as much as I possibly could. But all the hard work mostly came from the other members! Well Done guys!

Here is a cool plant that I think is very interesting! We aren't going to put it in our garden of coarse its way to dangerous!

           This is a Sundew it is a bit like the Venus Flytrap. Sundews use “glue” to catch an insect. The insect is trapped by the tentacles and engulfed as the modified leaf gradually closes up over it. A sundew traps up to five insects per month.

Here is a fun google easter egg (Its what they're called) .
Its a bit like "Zerg Rush"
Try Atari Breakout
Go to the google search engine, type it out and click images. Its a pleasant surprise!

~ Jenny :)

Our Map!

Today all the groups completely finished their maps! We have tried to make the most colourful garden as it is a school garden! We hope you really like it! Take a look at some pictures of the map!

Also since everyone has finished the photostory why not check their blogs and leave a comment!   

Our Photostory!

Here is our photostory. It was made by Jitesh and Jennifer. We put a lot of time into it so we hope you really like it! If you find any mistakes please let me know I would really appreciate it!

Sunday 18 May 2014

Photostory Complete!

Jitesh here. I am here too tell you that our photostory is finally finished! Unfortunately I couldn't post it on this blog because it was taking too long to publish so sorry about that, but I promise I will post it as quickly as possible! We hope Mr.McGorman really likes it. Good luck to all the groups!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Fun Facts!

Aoibh had an amazing idea of having facts everyday I’ve decided to add a few facts of my own :)

1. The earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants

2. 90% of the food we eat today are made up of only 30 different plants!

3. 70,000 plant species are utilised for medicine.

4.68 percent of plants are in danger of going extinct.

5. 80% of the worlds natural forests have been cleared or destroyed

There are 5 facts to this list! If you are tired of blogging here is a quick break fun fact. If you type” Zerg Rush” on the search engine, Google will eat your page! TRY IT OUT!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Georges Insects

George wasn’t in for sometime. But he managed to get a large amount of information! Its as if he was never gone!

I found out information about ladybird and caterpillars.
1. Ladybirds eat the aphids and insects that are bad for the garden
2. They breed hundreds of eggs every year so its easier to keep them alive.
3. They are beautiful for the garden.
4. We can put some greenflies in our garden so the ladybird settle down.
The only bad thing about them is that in autumn they will try to go indoors so they can find a warm place to stay.
1.Caterpillars are really weak when the born and until they become butterflies (late in autumn early in winter)but they are friends with the ants.I think the caterpillars leave something for the ants and in turn the ants are protecting the caterpillars.So if caterpillars are in danger they will call the ants for help.
2. When they become butterflies they will be pollinating.
3. They will be great for the garden
However,the bad thing about them is that they will be like pests until they become butterflies.But we could grow them in a jar by putting leaves to eat and branches to stay.We have to keep them air conditioned and without sunlight as much as possible.

Want to Try our App?

Hi everyone,
Jitesh here. As you all know I have made an app on for our group!
I you want to download our group app keep reading and you will find out!

Firstly download a QR scanner on playstore or appstore!
Then open up the Qr scanner and scan this image below!

Then simply add the app to your home screen!

There you go you have our very own app!
We hope you really like our app!

Quick Update!

Jitesh here. I am just giving a quick update about what's happening on the school garden project! We have started our photostory today. Mr. Curtin gave us two options, either to make the photostory on Microsoft Photostory or Windows Movie Maker. Our group has chosen to use Windows Movie Maker. We also drew a map of what our garden will look like when it is done! Once that map if completely finished me or my fellow teammates  will upload that a picture of our garden map!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Our unfinished Photostory!

Hello! Jennifer here!
I am working on a photostory!
I am nearly done and want to know you think!
Also I am happy for Jitesh’s  app! Its better than mine!