Thursday 1 May 2014


Mr. Curtin gave the teams a small challenge. We are to find out how nappy's help soil!
We think that this might be the answer!

Nappy's are not only useful to babies but also to gardeners!

We recently found out that the crystals inside the nappy's are environment friendly! These crystals contain non toxic and biodegradable. You would never think that nappy's could make your garden THRIVE!

This project is really simple to do all you have to do is follow these steps!

   Firstly, get the Nappy and fill them until they can no longer hold any liquid
  • Drain the excess water.
  • Cut open to expose the hydro-gel and place into a mixing bowl and stir around for 30 seconds or so.
  • Get another mixing bowl of potting soil and mix equal parts of potting soil with equal parts of hydro-gel. Mix the two together until they are properly mixed. – Voila. Easy peasy!

When this is all done you will have an amazing bit of soil! It will nearly be super-soil! Go on and try it! This is also a bit of science work so it could be real fun! We cannot guarantee it will work :)

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