Monday 19 May 2014

News :)

Hey guys! Jennifer here! We have finally finished our photo story! With a lot of hard work from Jitesh it turned out great! Well done Jitesh!

But don't think the other members of our team didn't do anything!

 George was busy researching all the cool creepy crawlies that could go into our garden! This helped a lot with the photo story!

Ellen, our leader brought in LOADS of information on flowers! We were able to browse in the books she brought in and learn about what plants grow in different seasons!

Rebekah was a big help too! She had a knack for finding cool websites and ideas for the blog and photo story. Most of the ideas came from her! Thanks Rebekah!

Ms. Galligan would be very proud of Caolon! He found many ideas for our green school part of the garden. Not to mention he tried to help the other members of our team with their jobs as much as possible!

And I tried to help as much as I possibly could. But all the hard work mostly came from the other members! Well Done guys!

Here is a cool plant that I think is very interesting! We aren't going to put it in our garden of coarse its way to dangerous!

           This is a Sundew it is a bit like the Venus Flytrap. Sundews use “glue” to catch an insect. The insect is trapped by the tentacles and engulfed as the modified leaf gradually closes up over it. A sundew traps up to five insects per month.

Here is a fun google easter egg (Its what they're called) .
Its a bit like "Zerg Rush"
Try Atari Breakout
Go to the google search engine, type it out and click images. Its a pleasant surprise!

~ Jenny :)

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