Thursday 15 May 2014

Fun Facts!

Aoibh had an amazing idea of having facts everyday I’ve decided to add a few facts of my own :)

1. The earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants

2. 90% of the food we eat today are made up of only 30 different plants!

3. 70,000 plant species are utilised for medicine.

4.68 percent of plants are in danger of going extinct.

5. 80% of the worlds natural forests have been cleared or destroyed

There are 5 facts to this list! If you are tired of blogging here is a quick break fun fact. If you type” Zerg Rush” on the search engine, Google will eat your page! TRY IT OUT!


  1. Amazing Jennifer! You should print screen this post and add it in to your photostory!

  2. Haha, I just tried ''Zerg Rush'' - very cool! Thanks for the Jennifer!
