Thursday 8 May 2014

Margaret The Gardener!

Yesterday I went out to Castleknock community centre beside St. Brigids and the Our Lady parish.
There I met the most amazing gardener! Margaret! She was living there for most of her life even before the parish was built!
 She lived there in a house with her husband. She thought the parish looked quite plain and bland on the outside and decided to decorate it like her own garden! I every picture here was taken by me.

Margaret kindly said that if we need her in to explain the history of the garden or any advice she would be delighted to come in and visit us!

Here are the pictures I took:

This is in front of the Castleknock community centre. It’s beautiful isn’t it?

This is a birch tree (Downy)
Its bark id rough and strong, the leaves were lovely close up 

This is Margaret! She planted all of these beautiful flowers that bloom around the Community Centre! These flowers, bushes, trees and plants mean a lot to her but the children that go there pick her poor flowers and leave them lying there on the floor. Margaret is an amazing person. Aoibh was right about the eggshells keeping away the slugs! Just crush them around the plant!
She is standing beside the snowball bush it is my favourite plant there.


This Bush is incredible! I am not sure what its called but the
Amazing thing about it is; it CHANGES colour!
The flower buds you see they turn yellow in the winter!
How cool is that?!

This is my favourite picture that I’ve taken. It’s the Snowball
Bush. Unfortunately this is one of the flowers that children
always seem to pick. It’s a beautiful bush and I would love to have it in our garden! I picked up one that wasn’t so damaged and took a close up picture.

This tree was planted by Margaret recently for her husband that past away. Its a beautiful tree. as you can see on the left the leaves are bit dark. Margaret needs to clip them off before the rest of the tree starts changing back to a plain green. On the right you can see the dappled leaves (Excuse Margarets hand :)

This is a pretty simple flower, these flowers should be able to survive without intent care. They change rom the colour purple to pink!!

A few bushes and shrubs

Barely a sapling when planted now a small tree!