Wednesday 14 May 2014

Georges Insects

George wasn’t in for sometime. But he managed to get a large amount of information! Its as if he was never gone!

I found out information about ladybird and caterpillars.
1. Ladybirds eat the aphids and insects that are bad for the garden
2. They breed hundreds of eggs every year so its easier to keep them alive.
3. They are beautiful for the garden.
4. We can put some greenflies in our garden so the ladybird settle down.
The only bad thing about them is that in autumn they will try to go indoors so they can find a warm place to stay.
1.Caterpillars are really weak when the born and until they become butterflies (late in autumn early in winter)but they are friends with the ants.I think the caterpillars leave something for the ants and in turn the ants are protecting the caterpillars.So if caterpillars are in danger they will call the ants for help.
2. When they become butterflies they will be pollinating.
3. They will be great for the garden
However,the bad thing about them is that they will be like pests until they become butterflies.But we could grow them in a jar by putting leaves to eat and branches to stay.We have to keep them air conditioned and without sunlight as much as possible.

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