Thursday 8 May 2014

Tree Octopus!

The tree octopus can be found in temperate rainforest on the west coast of North America. These endangered species were given the Latin name octopus paxarbolis ( Which basically means Northwest tree octopus). The tree octopus explores it's trees by both touch and sight! The tree octopus has 8 arms. They have a comparable sight to humans.Also it was able to live on both water and land. It's major predator was the sasquatch. Tree octopuses are not on the endangered list but they are endangered of becoming extinct! We would love to have a tree octopus in our garden!By the way the tree octopus is fake! :)

What do you think?
Can we have a tree octopus in our school garden?
Tell us what you think in the comments down below!


  1. Well done jitesh - make sure you check that Wikipedia page :)

  2. thats actually so interesting Jitesh well done on finding that out ;)
