Monday 12 May 2014

Plant Experiment!

Today Mr. Curtin  chose a seven children to carry out an experiment!  We wanted to see what plant grew faster, the one with banana peels at the bottom of the small pot or the one with the hydro-gel mixed with soil!
First we put water in the nappy until it couldn't hold any more. Next we ripped the nappy open and saw that there was something that looked like snow, we then put it into the bowl. Then Mr. Curtin picked two children to bring the bowl down to the staff room to put in the fridge to be turned into hydro-gel . When the hydro-gel was ready we mixed it with the soil and put our seeds in!

For the next part we simply put in some soil that had nothing mixed into the small pot. Next we gently pushed the seeds half an inch down the soil! Then we pushed some banana peels down the side of the pot ( we put it in the side so the seeds wouldn't get damaged). 

We are very eager to tell you the final result .
Keep checking our blog to see what the final result is!


  1. Thanks Jitesh! Great description of the experiment!

  2. great work Jitesh and I also like your reactions box!!:)

  3. Just wondering what and why is there gel in the nappys ?
